“STITCHER’S TRIO” – Tutorial Bonus – Adding your apron straps

Step 1 – raw edge of straps is placed along edge of apron – on the back side of the apron.
Pin in place.
Step 2 – From the right side of the apron, stith-in-the-ditch in the binding seam, though all layers, the width of the strap – to stitch strap in place.
Trim the raw edge of the strap close to the seam.
Flip the strap over the seam towards the outside of the apron, allow the strap to cover the stitching and raw end of the strap.
Stitch though all layers in the mid-point of the binding – as shown by the tip of the scissors in this photo.
This will anchor the strap in place and hide the raw end of the strap.
Follow this procedure for all straps